Stuart Phillips Teaching Every Thursday, 7:30pm-8:30pm, $10, at 7th Heaven in Berkeley, 2820 7th, in back, Contact Improv Classes, All of October/November, 2012, see you there, we go deep.

Contact Improvisation consists of two very essential words, the first has become perfected, the second fossilized.
In our quest to study contact improvisation, we have become acrobatic with less emphasis on meaning, heart, and soul purpose.
In this exciting class series, we study our way into perfect improvisational dance as an approach to interpersonal dynamics, perfected in the height of expression.
We learn to become more comfortable with our own personal expressive tendencies in the moment, not as a pattern of nonsensical athletics, but rather as rooted expression of what's really going on for us intrinsically. in the very moment, honing our outer expression of inner impulses, bypassing mental patterning, into the wonderful world of truth as it is known in the unknown, revealed and built upon moment to moment, with focus and acceptance.
Our focus is complete depatterning with emphasis upon real self, moving from personal reality and not concepts, without interruption.
With clean approach and aligned focus comes true expression.
This method of approach allows us to dance Improvisationally.
It always works, eventually, and it will be impossible to disconnect from our true physical and emotional flows. An observant and supportive mental approach enhances visible-izing our truth to our selves, enlivens personal experience, transforms into deeper pathways from self into manifested Dance
This methodical approach consists of simple psychic group guidance, clean physical, mental or emotional foci unblocking patterned no nos into cleaner expression of focus. Solo time hones true alignment with self. Moving into being real in relationship with other and self, as duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc., allows personal truth becomes the only excitement.
Stuart Phillips has been teaching workshops, classes and series in Improvisational Contact Dance around the US, Canada and New Zealand for over 25 years, performing Improvisational Contact for same and teaching and performing Improvisational Dance and Theater for over 31 years throughout.
CI @ Butopia, Whidbey Island, Wa
MARCH 2 & 3, 2012
Contact Improvisation As Healing Art: Workshop & Performance with Stu Phillips
CI Performance/Beginning Demo & Lesson Friday March 2; 6:30-8:30pm Workshop Saturday March 3 11-4pm
Workshop consists of methods of being, particularly with self, and extending those out when "interacting" with others, by deconstructing, undermining and bypassing easily our usual or known mental and physical patterns, and allowing our true/real raw emotional energy to transform our dance movement, as well as ourselves, through behaviorally articulating who we are in aligning with how we are, perfectly.